And then I realized adventure was the best way to learn – Anonymous
When I started my teaching career in India, teaching in a different country was one of my goals. I had just completed around six months of my teaching career and I wanted to accelerate and diversify my career graph by taking this leap.
In my opinion if one is planning to work in the K-12 segment, then one should have the nerves to be adventurous. Teaching overseas for a period of minimum two years can really open a plethora of opportunities both abroad and in the home market also, as it is a clear indicator to potential employers that you have developed excellent cross-cultural communication and adaptation skills and you are cross – culturally sensitive.
Before analysing the advantages and challenges of teaching abroad, let me present my viewpoint on the demand of Indian teachers abroad and the prerequisites to teach abroad in some of the most prominent destinations of the world.
How to get Teaching jobs abroad
International Education Careers
Teacher migration – A paradigm shift
India has become one of the most fertile zones as supplier of trained school teachers to developed countries. In fact GEMS Education, the company that I worked for in Dubai which is the largest operator of K-12 schools in the world, conducts teacher recruitment drive in major cities of India at least twice a year to cater to its Indian curriculum schools in U.A.E. This is just one example and there are many agencies hiring Indian teachers for South East Asia, Australia and U.S.A.
The global labour market has witnessed a fundamental transformation. Earlier the demand was for Indian software engineers, doctors and business managers but after the dotcom bubble burst we are witnessing openings for grey collar overseas job opportunities like teachers, nurses and chefs.
This can be attributed to the tilting of axis from supply-determined migration to one that is now determined by demand. This means that we have moved from being a job-seeking economy to one that is being driven by demand in developed nations for services and migrant workers from developing countries.
Hence we see a relaxation of rules in acquiring Permanent residency for countries like Canada, Australia and obtaining a company sponsored work visa in U.A.E is not so challenging. Naturally there is a mushrooming growth of educational institutes and schools in developed countries represented by a huge influx of migrant population which helped companies like GEMS Education to majorly flourish in the Gulf.
In America, the teacher shortage has become acute due to a number of factors, like retirement of many baby boomer teachers and the higher standards of teaching expected from teachers under the federal legislation known as No Child Left Behind Act.
The greatest demand is for math, special education and science teachers. This has resulted in a pandemonium to recruit teachers from developing nations to fill the growing number of vacancies in public or charter schools in U.S.A. Apart from India, the Philippines and the Caribbean, both of which have large English-speaking populations, are major recruitment centres.
According to a paper published by UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the world requires to recruit 25.8 million teachers to provide every child with a primary education by 2030 or be prepared that 33 countries won’t have enough teachers to provide every child with a primary education.
Therefore, irrespective of the economic turmoil, the education sector will require the best and the brightest of the brains and India with its surplus working age population is considered as the potential haven for overseas recruitment.
Qualifications required for teaching abroad
Qualification required to teach abroad depends on the curriculum that one wants to teach. For example, to teach in an Indian curriculum school like C.B.S.E or I.C.S.E board, a Bachelor’s in Education degree would suffice. Gulf and South – East Asian countries have a lot of Indian curriculum schools catering to the Indian diaspora.
However, if one wants to teach in an international curriculum school a professional qualification is required. The most sought after qualification happens to be PGCE (Postgraduate certificate in education) offered by U.K universities. PGCE is the teaching qualification that 80% British overseas schools look forward to, including teacher recruitment agencies that conduct job fairs in major cities of the world.
This course is offered by Keele University every year in Bangkok and by Nottingham University in Bangkok, which happens to be the nearest Indian centre to pursue this course as no branch of UK University in India offers this course.
Schools in USA have different requirements state-wise; therefore a British or an Indian qualification will not suffice unless if someone gets a teaching job offer in U.S.A and then the American school will have to register for an M.Ed in U.S.A which is a very long process.
For an American qualification, Framingham State University conducts summer programme in Bangkok and the course which is offered is M.Ed International teaching and M.Ed TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages).
However the courses mentioned above are expensive but it’s worth a one-time self-investment on education. The best international schools, offering the most competitive expatriate packages, prefer candidates having at least two years of domestic teaching experience along with PGCE.
Some of the leading recruiting agencies for international teachers are Search Associates, Carney and Sandoe associates for U.S schools, TIE online, Teacher Placement Group (TPG which places Indian teachers in state schools of U.S.A) etc.
Another common route to teach abroad is to teach English as a foreign language (EFL). This is mostly preferred by graduates fresh out of college without any professional teaching experience. Although it’s possible to find EFL teaching jobs without any experience or qualifications, the majority of language schools require a university degree in any subject and a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate.
There are lots of online TEFL certification courses but the most official happens to be CELTA (Certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages) which is a 120 hour training course offered by British Council .
Apart from the recruiting agencies one can keep checking for vacancies on the school website and directly apply and wait for the outcome. I feel networking matters a lot and who knows a LinkedIn contact could be a prospective employer.
Also companies like GEMS Education conduct their recruitment drive every year in India as well as U.K to hire teachers for their Indian as well as international curriculum schools. Well crafted curriculum-vitae, cover letter and one’s philosophy of education would give the necessary edge in the interview screening process.
School heads witness a huge volume of candidates during recruitment drives and job fairs conducted by agencies. Hence it is necessary to have a professional resume laced with action words to list out one’s accomplishments and impact under each position rather than just mentioning duties performed.
For example a statement like ‘Tutored an eighth grade student in algebra, using teacher’s curriculum to raise his grade from a C to B+ over the course of a year’ would add more weight to your resume as compared to ‘Tutored an eighth grade student in algebra’.
Salary and perks for teaching jobs abroad
Overseas teaching is one of the most cost-effective ways to live and travel abroad as apart from salary most schools offer accommodation. Most of the best deals can be found in Asia where cost of living is relatively low. International schools offer 3,000 USD to 5,000 USD per month along with accommodation depending on experience and qualification. South East Asian countries, South Korea and China attract teachers by offering flights and accommodation among other perks.
For even better salaries one can consider countries in the Middle East, such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Doha and Saudi Arabia as these are tax-free countries. Perks not only include joining airfare and visa procurement charges for employee as well as dependents but also annual airfare for family, freight allowance, medical insurance, free or subsidized tuition for kids and accommodation.
Right now Kazakhstan is another sought after destination to teach. With salary equivalent to 4000USD – 5000USD along with annual airfare twice a year , medical insurance ,accommodation along with coverage of utility bill and internet does make it worth working in that country.
Indian curriculum teachers should expect less. For example in Singapore, teachers teaching in Indian curriculum schools earn between 1,500 SGD – 2,000 SGD with no accommodation and company visa as most of the teachers happen to be housewives of Indian expats.
In U.A.E teachers recruited from India can expect a salary range of 4000 AED to 6000AED along with accommodation, work visa for self only and joining airfare. Again the salary and perks depends on the company policies and varies with different schools.
However, an interesting point to note would be that even if an Indian teacher works in an International curriculum school in Gulf, their salary is not equivalent to their European or American counterpart even if they hold the same or better qualification and teaches the same class or holds the same designation.
They are paid as per Indian curriculum schools, might be a bit more, but almost one third of their European counterparts. The same colour of education can be witnessed in India where expat teachers working in India earn more than their Indian counterparts.
Countries like U.S.A have strict federal laws and teachers are paid equally irrespective of their nationalities.
Country specific education system
Education system of a country is not only dependent on the country’s historical past but also is influenced by its culture, ideals and values. Hence while educating students one needs to understand the cultural intricacies and respect the cultural norms of the country.
In this section I would like to elaborate some teaching guides for some of the most common international teaching destinations around the world.
International teaching in Korea
With a long drawn tumultuous history of the Korean peninsula, South Korea has evolved to catch up with impressive industrial advancements within 60 years of its sovereign rule thanks to the government’s increased focus on education. This has ensured South Korea to be one of the top ten countries in most measures of national education.
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), South Korea ranks third in the world in mathematics and science education. There is a huge demand for ESL teachers and it happens to be one of the most preferred destinations for fresh graduates or trained teachers from countries where English is the native language.
Teachers in South Korea must be certified by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education and Human Resource Development and certified educators must participate in continuous professional development activities.
It would be prudent to respect and align oneself with the constellation of Confucian ideals which is based upon virtue, sincerity, respect and tradition unlike Western philosophy which is based on deductive reasoning.
Hence Korean employers lay emphasis on respecting the umbrella of hierarchy and rarely believe in questioning the logic behind performing a task in a particular manner as they have a deep rooted respect for their culture and responsibilities passed by their ancient culture.
International teaching in China
Chinese government follows the Nine-Year Compulsory Education Program, which entails providing nine years of government-funded schooling to each child starting at the age of 6. This has resulted China to be the world’s largest education system.
China has one of the most robust teacher development systems and historically it has been one of the most highly respected professions in Chinese society. As a result of this Chinese students have consistently showed stunning performance on the international PISA exams where they outscore students of all other nations in math, reading, and science which has positioned China as a world education leader also popularly known as “Sputnik Moment,” by American educators.
Again like South Korea there is a great demand for native speakers to teach English in the Land of Confucius.
International Teaching in Japan
Teachers in Japan need to undergo training at an accredited university to gain their teaching certificate, but the specific requirements necessary to work as an educator vary by program.
Japanese public school from the elementary to upper secondary level is free. Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology regularly introduces new reforms and initiatives in an effort to provide students with the best possible schooling opportunities.
At present, the ministry is developing a lifelong learning program to educate citizens of all ages by promoting measures to realize education in which schools, families, and local communities cooperate.
International Teaching in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan the largest of the Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union is also the richest country in Central Asia, due to its large oil and natural gas reserves. The president of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has set up the state funded Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools which are intended to change the way education is delivered to gifted and talented secondary school children.
Students are educated in a tri–lingual environment in Kazakh, Russian and English. Besides teaching one’s subject, teachers are also expected to informally mentor local Kazakh teachers and introduce best practice especially with respect to critical thinking.
The Kazakh national curriculum underwent constructive development with support from the University of Cambridge International Examinations with an increasing emphasis on a student-centric, skills-based approach, while retaining the best of the current curriculum.
International Teaching in the U.A.E
United Arab Emirates has been witnessing one of the largest education reforms in the world after the production of ‘black gold’ in 1970s. The U.A.E National Agenda 2021, which coincides with the U.A.E’s 50th National Day and launched by the ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, expects U.A.E to be among the top 20 countries in the PISA test.
The PISA score is an indicator that measures the country’s ranking and scores in the PISA exam, which evaluates the reading, mathematics and science skills of 15 year old students and is conducted by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).
To come up to this target the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, conducts annual inspection of private schools and publishes the school’s rating with a detailed report on its website.
Hence new teachers should refer to the KHDA website to research about the school and other necessary details regarding teacher turnover which is a good indicator of the school’s work culture. However in general, startup schools are exempted from KHDA inspections for a period of first three years of its operation.
International Teaching in the UK
Most of the school-aged children in the UK attend public schools and follows the National Curriculum of England for students aged 5 – 16 years. The curriculum is divided into four key stages; the first two correspond with primary education and the last two for the curriculum of secondary education.
The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) oversees the teacher certification process in the United Kingdom. Teachers in the United Kingdom must hold both at least a Bachelor’s degree and must have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). QTS is mandatory to teach the state schools which can be achieved by completing PGCE.
After achieving QTS one becomes a newly qualified teacher (NQT) where teachers need to do induction training for 3 terms and their performance is reviewed. On completion of this, QTS is confirmed and teachers become permanent staff.
Apart from schools in U.K, there are a lot of schools offering British curriculum worldwide. To ensure whether such school is an ideal place to teach, one can check the school’s accreditation on its website.
One of the most recognized accreditation sources happens to be COBIS (Council of British International Schools) which provides global quality assurance to its member schools.
If a school has COBIS membership, then it is definitely worth working there as the membership application process is robust where schools are requested to provide comprehensive information about varied aspects like child protection policy, class size, school salary scale, staff qualifications etc.
International Teaching in the U.S.A
The education system practiced in U.S.A is almost the same as that of U.K with few differences. The key differences are a shorter academic year as compared to U.K. The control and governance of U.S schools is also different as authority over public (state-funded) school education in the US rests primarily with individual state departments of education.
The school curriculum can vary from state to state and even between school districts within a state as most policies are set at the state and local levels. Although there is no national curriculum, the general content of the high school curriculum across the country is quiet homogeneous.
Due to the absence of a national curriculum, students do not prepare for national examinations such as the GCSEs, AS or A-levels. Rather they work toward completing a high school diploma (the requirements are determined by each state), and are assessed for university entry based on GPA, rigour of classes taken (AP, honours, regular) and admissions tests like SAT and ACT.
Students are continuously assessed throughout the semester in different ways like, essays, quizzes, assignments, classroom participation, projects and attendance. Hence to find information on curricular standards or teacher certification, the state board of education website is the best source of information
What to expect in an international teaching job?
Moving half way across the world to work is a thrill in itself. Definitely people will have expectations and one should not expect the comfort and warmth of one’s home country.
My next article would be focusing on the highs and lows of teaching abroad. It is natural to expect that everything will be all right and the only way to ensure what to expect is by doing a thorough research before accepting anything.
Having said this and keeping in mind that overseas teaching has its pros and cons I still feel I took the right decision to leave the security of my native place. If remuneration is the only driving force then I feel it is a very myopic way of looking at such things because there are other fringe benefits that matter a lot.
For me it was only after I abandoned the comforts of familiarity, I simultaneously became a teacher as well as student. I started taking my baby steps which made me cautious and open to new ideas and work style. The feeling of lightness over-weighed the heaviness of success which I had tasted in my home country.
Exposure to so many cultures opens one to alternate values and beliefs in a way that is geographically impossible. For as many places as there are in the world, there are an equal number of lessons a teacher can bring back home. Ultimately, it is the very act of changing your life so drastically, is the recipe for growth. Not always pleasant growth but growth indeed.
For example having worked in U.A.E which follows monarchy system I am now in a better place to critically analyse and debate the pros and cons of living in a democratic country like India as compared to a monarchy system, thus adding one more page of sagacity in the book of my life.
Image credit: Yasmeen Hossain
Editor’s note: We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Please check out the other articles written by Yasmeen and feel free to post queries related to those.
Hi Yasmeen,
Quite a write-up! Don’t get to read much on education from a teacher’s perspective. I strongly believe, if a real change to any country, society, culture is to happen – it will take a generation and the only people who can do it are ‘Teachers’. It is the most noble profession of all to me.
It interests me a lot and I listen to, read – speeches and articles of the likes of Mr. Sugata Mitra and Sir Ken Robinson. Could you share more thoughts on how our education system(in tits and bits may be) in India fares compared to the rest of the world? As I understand, India is not an OECD member and does not gets PISA rankings. As from a perspective of teacher who has been teaching far and away, What do you think? Hypothetically, Which country would you want your child to get educated in and why? Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, France rank high on teaching standards. Could you throw some light on the way of things in those countries. And lastly, what programmes are underway in India which are bringing a change in our country?
Have more. But will hold on here. :-). Don’t want to pester you away.
PS: Looking forward to your next.
Hi Shubham,
Thank you for liking my article. Regarding your perception of change , I do resonate with you a lot but the whole onus does not lie on teachers only. It is the society at large and their mindset for our education system that can possibly bring a change. As such most teachers are devoid of voice to produce a Doppler effect in our society . Read my second article ‘ Challenges faced by Indian teachers’ to understand my point. Now coming straight to your questions.Two states from India (Tamil Nadu & Himachal Pradesh) participated in 2009 PISA test and the results were abysmally poor as we ranked 72 out of 74 countries who participated in the test. After this India pulled itself out from the test and never participated again. Many factors play a role. Not only how education is disseminated in schools but also our socio – economic factors need to be considered. Prominent among them are poverty, malnutrition, diseases like malaria, girl’s education & poor agricultural productivity. So if the government starts solving these, things might improve. Government is more focused on statistics related to no of enrollments and no of primary schools withing 1km radius of India’s rural population belt , but with negligible emphasis on learning attainment and outcome, something which Haryana government is strictly following and their learning attainments have been the highest in the country within a span of 2 years. Apart from this quality of teachers, teacher training needs to be revamped and organisations like Pratham, TFI & Premji foundation are working on a grass root level. To bring up our country’s standards, India has introduced Midday meal which is successful to quiet an extent but RTE has not seen its predicted results. Private schools are least interested to accommodate 25% of their admissions from such background. Very few schools like Loretto day school Kolkatta have successfully implemented them.
As far as PISA world rankings are concerned South – East Asia is ruling the charts and UK , US have slid down as low as 26th. Finland which used to top every time has slid down to 6th. However as a teacher I would still choose Finland over China even though, teacher recruitment in both the countries are competitive and it is a respected profession. This is because China emphasises a lot on drill & kill way of teaching which is an apt solution to survive in this competitive world , whereas Finland believes in teaching empathy and places a high value in Emotional intelligence along with academic expertise.
Hope I have shed some light .
Hey Yasmeen,
Thanking for writing back to me and I am really sorry for coming late on this. I joined a ship on 21st Nov., the day your reply came in and missed out on notification for it. My thoughts reveberate with yours. I finished your 2nd article and then remembered , i had asked you for some doubts in the first one. The second one gives a really vivid picture of what is happening in your(read; a teacher’s) professional life abroad. Thanks for the updates on PISA so far and i did happen to watch the TEd talk for the Haryana story – it is something. I guess our government will transit from quantity to quality in some time. I am hopeful. Finald tops the charts on PISA , definitely. However, culturally it is very different from ours. What are your views on Singapore ? I ask you because, well, may be.. i will want to bring Singapore to India without getting much friction in terms of culture and adjustments itself. About the socio-economic factors – i have an idea. A long shot. May be it will work.
Well, it is fun to read your write ups. Keep writing. You can find me too on Careerizma – Merchant navy.
Hello Shubham,
Sorry for the late response as I was escorting my students on a school trip. It is good to see your interest in education sector and the fact that you enjoy my write ups. Regarding Singapore, well definitely a country worth studying but Singaporeans are more result driven and academic excellence is the priority . As a result you will see a mushrooming growth of private tuition centres in Singapore and parents are very competitive and aggressive about their child’s results. On the contrary Finland prioritises holistic education over results by providing free meals, health care, psychological counseling and individual student guidance. Cooperation over competition is the USP for Finns. I am not saying academic excellence is bad, but what I am trying to say that today’s world require more sensitive citizens with high EQ, something which South- East Asian countries are lacking even though they top PISA scores.
Hello maam
I got to know about you from Sameer sir. Can you please guide me how good is the PGCE course for me. I have seven years of teaching as a french Lecturer. Initial two years in a school and thereafter in a private university. I plan to do MBA but admission is quite challenging with the score I got. Therefore I am looking for alternative courses for my career. Doing PGCE course from Bangkok will not be an issue for me. My sister is living there in bangkok from last 10 years.
Hello Nikita,
The question here is not whether PGCE is good enough for you or not. The relevant question would be what you want to do after PGCE ? As mentioned in my article PGCE is a mandatory teaching qualification to teach in schools in United Kingdom. Indian B.Ed degree won’t work. Apart from UK, if you want to teach in some other country in schools which follow British curriculum schools , then PGCE is the most authentic qualification. If you want to be a teacher in an international curriculum school in India, like schools which offer International Baccalaureate programme then no need for PGCE. Since you teach French, which is high in demand and there is a perennial shortage of foreign language teachers , schools don’t ask for any kind of teaching qualification. However to give an edge it would be better if you do some teaching course. In India the most sought after international teaching qualification is CIDTT (Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers). You can do CIDTT from Srikriti , Chennai.This will also help you in to gain teaching assignments in Indian schools in Gulf in case if you don’t have B.Ed.
Regarding doing it from Bangkok, you don’t have to leave your present job and stay there for 1 year. For the orientation programme you might have to go there once after which all the assignments needs to be submitted online. Check the university website and email them for course details and other queries. Do check from them whether they have tie ups with local schools for internship, in case if you want to do the course from Bangkok.
For MBA, it is very important to build your profile. This means you need to have a varied exposure in teaching profession as you have to showcase your uniqueness. It would be good if you teach abroad for minimum 2 years , which will not only add international experience on your resume but you can also showcase your learning and leadership experiences in your application essays.
Hey mam!
This is Kairvi Mishra , i have been teaching since is two years, n this is my 3rd year. I have done my graduation in B.Pharm. And i just love teaching, love being with kids and student and grabbing things from students as well making learning more fun and interesting to them. I do want to teach in abroad and explore the new place as well as dealing with new sets of dazzling children. So can you please tell me that how can i get the job and where should i apply for that…. It would be a great help..
Hello Kairvi,
Glad to see your enthusiasm about teaching. That’s the key ingredient to enjoying this profession.Regarding teaching abroad, this article clearly mentions the qualifications and other details. For specific queries let me know which country and which subject you want to teach, so that I can answer your question well.
Hi Mam,
Very interesting article, Thanks
I am teaching Maths for Secondary School students (+2 / Higher Secondary) in India/Chennai, having 15+ years of experience. I am looking for abroad jobs in Singapore or UK. Kindly suggest pre-requisites and how to prepare myself.
Hello Amsavalli,
Thanks for liking my article. Maths is in high demand in any any country as nowadays schools prefer STEM specialisation. For UK I have mentioned in my article that they would require a PGCSE which is their minimum teaching qualification apart from subject specialisation. The same qualification applies for international curriculum schools in Singapore as they pay more and provide more exposure in terms of work environment as compared to Indian curriculum schools present in Singapore. For Indian curriculum schools in Singapore you can apply individually in each school and the qualifications required are the same as that of India.
Hello Yasmeen
Thank you very much for this article. I have been searching long about Indians teaching abroad but couldn’t get proper information. This is really informative. Thank you once again.
But I would trouble you a bit more. I have desire to teach abroad. Currently MSc (microbiology) fresher. No teaching license or degree.Experience only in home tutoring. How should I start? Are there chances abroad for a fresher? I need your help in this.
Thank you
Hello Jagoruk,
Thank you for liking my article and finding it informative. I would suggest you to join a school preferably a school which offers curriculum like IB or IGCSE. Work for two years to gain insight as well as experience and then apply for teaching jobs abroad. In the meantime while you are working , you can enroll for your teaching license course like B.Ed , CIDTT or even PGCSE as mentioned in the article. Being a fresher it would be difficult to find job opportunities abroad and even if you find via a teacher recruitment agency , it wont be a very rewarding opportunity ; which means you will be expected to compromise on work environment as well as pay package. Do remember that the best teacher recruitment agencies like Search associates prefer candidates who have completed their PGCSE as well as possess a teaching experience of minimum two years.
Hi Yasmeen,
Thank you for yr information. I need yr guidance I m a B. Com graduate n done my B. Ed with 2yrs tr. experience in primary school . I am keen in working as a teacher in UAE. I am planning to do my MA can you guide me which field will me good for me . I applied but they say they want only from BA or BSc background.
Hello Lulet,
I would be able to guide you better if you tell me which subject you are teaching at present. If you are planning to teach any subject which requires any specific qualification then it would be wise to pursue that course.
Mam I Completed My degree. But I m fresher for teaching job. How can I get the job?!. -B.Sc,B.Ed is my degree .
I would suggest you gain some work experience in India at least for two years and then apply for some teaching post abroad. In the meanwhile if you can finish your masters then it would be better for you.
Greetings Ma’am,
I would like to serve in Singapore as a Science teacher or as a lecturer in Education department. I have 7 years of teaching experience. I just love teaching the youth. I am M.Sc,M.Ed and currently pursuing Masters in Philosophy. Kindly guide me for the same. I will be grateful.
Syeda Samreen Ruhi
Hello Syeda,
Getting into Ministry of Education, Singapore as a teacher is very competitive. You can check the official website to find out the necessary requirement as they also conduct entrance test. In the meanwhile you can apply individually in different private schools by checking out their website. There are many Indian curriculum schools and you can mail your resume to the school HR if you find a suitable vacancy.
Hi yasmeen thanks a ton for such detailed information. I am an Indian primary teacher with 2 years of teaching experience in icse and cbse curriculum, I really wish to continue teaching in the emirates. Even I have heard about gems alot and have been trying to apply since couple of months. Could you please guide me when are these walkin interviews conducted by gems in India. I have been looking on their website which shows only the details of U.K, could you please help me with the details for India it shall be of great help.
Ashiya Khan
Hello Asiya,
Thank you for liking my article. GEMS mostly conducts it’s Indian recruitment cycle in the month of November so that they can recruit teachers for CBSE schools as academic year starts in such schools start in the month of April. It would be better if you upload your resume on their website and apply online when they conduct recruitment in India. Only when you apply online , they will call you for an interview. You need to keep checking their career website frequently.
Dear Madam
I am M.com B.Ed currently working as an lecturere in Saudi Arabia.
I may end this job in a year or two as there is Saudization is going.
Can u sugest me a country where I can get the similar job or more.
I do have almost 10 years of experience
Please advise.
Hello Ruhia,
The nearest country that you can apply is U.A.E. Apart from that for other countries you can read the article and figure out which one can suit you better.
Greetings Ma”m,
I have done my graduation in Economics from Mumbai university and would like to pursue B.ed. But, I have heard a graduate in Economics can only pursue Economics subjects in B.ed. On the contrary I would like to opt for Science and Maths in B.ed. Is it possible? Please reply.
Hello Deepa,
I am not sure about the specializations that one can opt during B.Ed as I have never pursued my bachelors in education. If I was at your place, I would not have pursued B.Ed. I would have opted for Masters in Science or Maths and simultaneously worked on my teaching certification by doing either CIDTT or PGCE as these certifications are in demand by international curriculum schools.
Hello yasmeen
this is adil khan. And my educational qualification is M.Sc. (maths) and currently i teach maths upto 12 by last 5 years.
i want to teach in abroad
so please suggest me that how can i reach at best place and what type of degrees needed.
Thank you
Hello Adil,
Kindly read my article to clarify all your queries.
I am b.com m.com b.ed tet and ctet and having 2 years of experience. I want to teach in countries like Canada Australia Dubai Abu Dhabi Qatar Singapore. I would like to apply for primary level secondary level or higher level or for English language. Please suggest me.
Hello Aanchal,
It would be better if you apply in Gulf countries. For Canada, Australia & Singapore you will have to sponsor your own visa and accommodation. Also it would be better if you apply as a Commerce teacher rather than as an English teacher . For English you would be expected to have professional qualification like CELTA or TESOL along with some work experience.
Thank u so mch fr ur rply mam…I would also like to know that from where in india can these courses be pursued….their fee structure n duration?
Hello Aanchal,
CELTA courses are conducted by British Council. In India not all British council offer this course except the one present in Delhi, Mumbai , Kolkatta & Chennai. For course duration you need to check from the centre itself or visit their website. I guess it is for 1 month or so and costs approximately Rs 1.5 lakhs. Post that you can apply for teaching posts as an English teacher or even become a trainer in British Council. Post CELTA you can even do DELTA course which is for senior teachers. If you do CELTA then it is more than enough to enter in this profession as an English trainer/ teacher and there is no need to pursue other TESOL courses. Of course in addition to CELTA if you do do a masters programme in English , then your chances to teach abroad will improve. A lot of Indian universities offer MA English via distance mode and the premier among them is CIEFL University Hyderabad, formerly named EFLU (English & Foreign language university). Though I would recommend doing a regular masters.
Hope this helps.
Hello mam
This is sumalatha I did my B.a, M.a, distance mode, Bed from Andhra university,Regular I have 5 years of teaching experience of social science in CBSE and state board , can i apply for abroad teaching jobs ????
Yes you can Sumalatha, but you need to come up with a convincing answer to explain why you did your masters via distance mode and how does it make you more competitive from other students who finished it as a regular student.
I have done my bachalors in Sociology from a ugc seemed college.. i am planning to do masters in sociology from pune university. Am i eligible for a teacher job in sociology for abroad??
Please reply to me soon coz its urgent. If yea then will go for a job after my bachalors.
Hi Pari,
Yes you can apply for teaching job in India after you complete your masters. To teach abroad it would be preferable to work for 2 years in India before you move out. While pursuing your masters you can also pursue your teaching qualifications as mentioned in my article. Sociology is a subject offered in high school classes. So as a fresher do be prepared that you might be expected to work as a social science teacher for middle school or junior school. Gain experience and then then target for higher classes to teach your subject and then abroad. Goodluck
Hello Ma’am.
First of all, a huge thanks for such a compact and informative article.
I am a 27 years old man from West Bengal. I completed my graduation(English honours) from Calcutta University. I thought of preparing for government exams and so did not start my masters course. Alongside I was teaching in a pre primary school. After a year I understood that it is not my cup of tea and I applied to a few schools in my hometown. Fortunately I got into one such, primary section as a substitution teacher for 3 months. After that due to my performance the authority kept me as a continuing teacher. I was also made the class teacher. Then I got a better opportunity and shifted to Orissa and then to Karnataka(present). So now I have a teaching experience of 5 years and a BA English honours degree. I do not have the marks to do B.Ed. Also I cannot afford to spend a few lacs in doing TEFL, TESOL and so on. Can you please suggest me a way to go abroad(any country) and teach? Also is there any low cost distance modecourse that I need to do to get a job abroad?
Looking forward for your reply. Thanks in advance.
Hello Saptarshi,
Thank you for liking my article. If you can not do B.Ed, then you can do CIDTT , teaching certification from University of Cambridge. If you are in Bangalore then ‘ The Teacher Foundation’ Bangalore offers such courses. You need to check whether they offer this course via distance mode. If not then another good center is Srikriti teacher education centre in Chennai and they offer this course via distance mode. Without a teaching certification and that too for a subject like English, it would be difficult for you to find jobs abroad. Also if you can do MA in English or linguistics preferably as a regular student, then your chances of not only getting a job abroad will improve but also you will be eligible to teach higher classes.
Hello Mam,
The article which you have written nis so beautiful and helpful in all perspective. Mam myself Mrunalini Anarase from Pune I am assistant teacher in Rayat Shikshan Sanstha which mainly a big educational body started by Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil in Maharashtra. I am teaching Maths and Science for the past 25 years to the secondary level ( that is 8th, 9th and 10th) so overall I am having experience of 25 years. Now I am passionately looking for to teach in UAE and make incrementation in my career graph could you please guide me in how to move forward ..??
Hello Mrunalini,
Thanks for appreciating my article.Well you have a good experience to teach in UAE. You can apply online in GEMS Education the largest network of K-12 schools in U.A.E. They conduct pan – India interviews in four major metros of our country. You can also apply individually on other school’s career websites and keep tracking them. Good luck for your future.
Hello Ma’am,
I am a Physics teacher teaching from grades 8 to 12 in India. I have an experience of about two years. I am interested in finding a placement in European countries. I do not have any Education degree. Is it possible to follow my interests? What should I do? I would be highly obliged if you kindly shed some light on this matter.
Hello Richik,
European countries would be a tough gamble considering your experience and qualifications. However if you are really interested then you can enroll in any U.K university and pursue some higher courses in Physics or even pursue PGCSE in case you want to stay in teaching. Do remember due to the current economic situations and visa policies getting a job even after pursuing a course would be challenging. Hence tread your territories with caution.
Mam I want to know,, is there any online course of tesol and
Has it value for aboard teaching job?
Hi Rajib,
Well yes there are online courses for TESOL. If you google search it you will be flooded with options , but I cannot comment on their credibility or even their market value. It you are really serious about doing it, then it would be better if you contact your nearest British Council center and ask them whether they offer such courses as doing from British Council would be more genuine.
Thank you, for your kind help
I have some doubts,,
1. Is any Indian qualified for getting
English subject teaching job in dubai? (they want only native English speaker)
2. I have completed the graduation in english hons in 2013, so,, which course should I do now for getting better job?
3. Is there any teacher recruitment agency in india,,?
Thank you,,
Reply please,
Hi Rajib,
Here are your answers –
1. If an Asian has the right qualifications, experience and subject expertise then one can teach English in Dubai. Regarding native English speaker that is the norm with International curriculum schools where the workforce comprises mostly of expats from U.K. You can try for Indian curriculum schools or go for qualifications as desired by British curriculum schools.
2. As of now you should target for Masters in English rather than TESOL. You can go for TESOL or CELTA after your Masters programme because these are just certificate courses and cannot be attested for visa purpose. Only university degrees like graduation or post grad are attested by Ministry of Education U.A.E.
3. Yes there are recruitment agencies. Kindly read my article where I have mentioned their names.
Hello Madam,
Your article is very informative.
I m a post graduate in history with Tesol certification from Canada. Currently finished of my College and applying for jobs. I am planning to get Masters in education in Secondary education from New Zealand. Being an Indian, will that help my career as a Teacher.
Hello Lakshmi,
Thanks for appreciating my article. I understand the preference given to Kiwis will make you rethink your decision, but nothing to worry as your hard work will pay off. If not New Zealand then there are many countries where your qualification would act as an asset. Good luck.
I just read your article and it is the most informative one i have found regarding teaching in foreign countries.
I am finished with my masters degree in psychology and am thinking about teaching english as a foreign languge (EFL) in east asian and european countries. From what i read in your article i could conclude that i would need to get TEFL certification to pursue it. But i am worried about whether or not my resume/CV will be able to compete with a CV of a native english speaker as their very citizenship gives them an undue advantage over me and not to forget most of the EFL jobs highly prefer native english speaker candidates as well. I would just like to know what are the possibilities of me as an indian, getting an EFL teaching job in a foreign country.
Hello Zinten,
Thank you for finding my article informative. I am really impressed by your interest in teaching English even though you are from a Psychology background. Now to teach English a TEFL certification won’t be the only thing that school administrators would look for. The first thing that would look for would be a Masters in English preferably as a regular student. TEFL would just act as a bolster to this.So I am not saying it is impossible but then you have to rework your qualifications and experience if you want to compete with native speakers which frankly in the real world is a bit tough no matter how qualified you are because they score on the citizenship part as you mentioned.
Now just a suggestion why don’t you try in Psychology ,considering it is not only an interesting skill shortage subject but also in high demand. Schools face a paucity of good psychology teachers. Many schools desperately look out for counselors, Special education teachers and heads and special education teachers are in huge demand in the west and even Gulf.
Thanks a lot mam for kind reply
May i know in which country u are doing teaching job now,,,???
May I beg help from u,, regarding this posting?
What is the process to select teacher for dubai??
Is there any written test?
Hello Rajib,
Right now I am in India and regarding selection procedure for Dubai, you just have to apply online on the company’s website or mail your resume. If shortlisted then you will be called for interview and every school has their own criteria for interviewing. Some ask their subject heads to interview the candidate followed by an interview with senior management team whereas in other schools they might opt for a direct interview with the Principal either in person or via Skype.
Hello mam
Myself amit from india working as a math school teacher in aa govt school upto tenth class.i m graduate in physics chemistry and math and masters in physics with bed in science and maths. I have nearly 7 years of experience in teaching in a a school on for maths.plz guide me as i want to do teaching in developed countries like uk nz canada etc.what should i do.my wife also chas same profile but instead of physics she has chemistry with medical backgrounds. Wwhat should be done to be teacher abroad now thanks waiting for reply plz send me reply via mail also
Hello Amit,
Countries like UK, Canada and New Zealand would require educational qualifications from their countries. If you don’t have them then you need to do PGCSE as mentioned in my article. Apart from this most schools would require 2 years teaching experience in an international curriculum school. So with the experience that you and your wife have, I would recommend for C.B.S.E schools in Singapore or Gulf. Gain 2 years of experience in these countries and then target for the countries that you have mentioned. Goodluck
What an insightful article! This is the most useful and comprehensive piece on internet I could find.
Thank you so much for helping out so many aspiring teachers.
Ma’am, could you please throw some light on requirements to become a university teacher abroad?
Here in India, NET (National eligibility test) is required to teach at university level, is sufficient for universities abroad?
Also, you talked about the demand of maths & science and English language teachers abroad, could you please give me some idea about humanities teachers?
What are the prospects dor a person with an M.A degree in International Relations along with NET-JRF?
Thanks a lot. 🙂
Dear Mohd Akram,
Thank you for your kind words. I won’t be able to guide you much about university teaching abroad as that’s not my specialization but as far as my rookie knowledge is concerned , you need to enroll as a Research student and finish your doctorate and publish your research papers .
Regarding scope for Humanities teachers, there is a huge scope and with your qualification you can teach Political science or probably history to high school students. Good luck.
My Sister-In-Law is working as a Science Teacher in one of the top 10 International School from last 10years. Can you please guide me how can she apply a job in UK as we are settled in London and she also wants to come and work here. She is MSc and BEd. Can you please reply on my below email from where we can start as we don’t know anything and there is no one who can guide us.
Hello Monika,
B.Ed won’t work in U.K. She needs to do PGCSE to teach in U.K. For other details please read my article about teaching in U.K
Hello ma’am.
After having chosen teaching as my profession, I had given up on the idea of being able to settle abroad. But after reading this article, I feel that all may have not been lost yet. I would therefore like to thank you for writing this article.
Having done my B.Com (Hon.) from DU, for a professional teaching qualification, I chose to go for Diploma in Elementary Education (otherwise known as ETE) instead of B.Ed as my way of entry into this profession. I also did not go for B.Ed as it would have required for me to choose my main subjects from my graduation subjects and I did not want to teach commerce. I am still pursuing this course and am at the end of the 1st out of the 2 years. Having no idea about the possibilities that you mentioned in your article, I feel that I chose wrong. Please tell me how to go ahead from here. I would like to feel that getting a teaching job in countries like the US or Singapore is still a viable option for me. My doubts are as follows –
1. On reading your article, I felt that getting an online TEFL course certification would help out. What would you say? If not, what other course would you recommend?
2. This is in case I go for TEFL – You mentioned that TEFL is for graduates fresh out of college with no professional teaching experience. So, will I still need a 1-2 year domestic teaching experience before applying abroad even after getting a TEFL certification and also having a teaching degree?
3. Will D.El.Ed being my teaching qualification allow me to get a job abroad in the Indian curriculum schools?
Looking forward to your guidance.
Thank you.
Hello Smiti,
Thank you for your kind words. Regarding your course, I won’t say you took a wrong decision. Hence finish up your course. You are from commerce background and you plan to teach English. In such a case I would suggest you should do your Masters in English or linguistics. Online TEFL certification won’t help at all. TEFL for fresh graduates are for citizens of U.S or U.K because international market generally prefers native speakers compared to Indian speakers even if the Indian teacher has a PhD in English. Unfortunately this is the truth.
Regarding your last question, your teaching qualification will help you get a job in Indian curriculum schools abroad but not schools which follow British or American curriculum. For such schools PGCE is the required qualification . For experience 2 years is the preferred experience even if you have the required qualification.
Hello mam
I am Tehseen from India. First of all I would like to thanks to you that you have share very interesting knowledge. I am interested to teach english abroad. I have done B.A. in English Literature. I am intended to do TEFL course from my country. I want to ask that :-
1) After completing TEFL will I get teaching job abroad ??
2) Is 3/4 weeks TEFL course is enough to teach english abroad or any other course is required.
3) And lastly I want to know that which country is safe for girls to do jobs. Because it is very difficult to convince parents to go alone.
Hello Tehseen,
Thank you for your comment. Here are your answers-
1. TEFL is just a certificate not a qualifications. Visa authorities stamp your Bachelors degree or Masters degree and not certificates of professional courses. So you can use TEFL to boost your CV but it won’t guarantee anything. There are candidates who not only possess a Masters but also a TEFL or CELTA certificate and you will be competing with such candidates.
2. Hope I have clarified in my 1st answer.
3. Safe countries is a very abstract concept. At the max you can check the Global Peace Index- 2017 to gauge the safety index. Regarding destiny there are women who might have lived for generations in Afghanistan whereas women who have faced abuse or worse in developed nations. So you have to take a call . Good luck.
Hello Yasmeen.
Its a very liking article that you are sharing with us. congratulations.
I would like to say that i am from India having M.A ( political science), PGDTM ( post graduate diploma in TOURISM MANAGEMENT). I also have completed D.El.Ed ( diploma in elementary education)
B.Ed and M.Ed too. Moreover i am doing my teaching job in Govt. Elementary School from last 5 Years. Now i thought to go abroad, countries like canada or australia to upgrade my career. Is it possible to get job in there with PR? What should i do? According to you my edn qualifications are fit for getting job in which countries instead of canada or australia? but i am not interested in UAE. Your advices will guide me lightning in my career. Thanking you.
Hello Swapnali,
Thank you for your comment. With your qualifications and experience Gulf as well as Indian curriculum schools ( not the British curriculum schools) in Singapore or South East Asia seems a good fit. Canada requires teaching qualifications from their universities which means after obtaining your PR you need to do 1 year of teaching certification from their universities.
Hello ma’am
Many thanks for your detailed information. I have 10 years of experience in IT indutry. With my personal interest in teaching field, I wish to take up switch into teaching role. I want to go with teaching Computer sciences subject for grade 6-9. Even for this school is looking for B.ed which I do not have. Is there any way to step in without experience. Am also interested to take up Science and Social studies for the same age group in IB curriculum schools. I would like to know if there are any universities or recognized institutes offering IB curriculum training in India which will open up opportunities in this field.
Hello Sunitha,
Kindly read my article , which will answer your query on how to overcome the B.Ed factor and to start off with experience.
For Social studies you need to do some qualification in this subject and there is no university in India which offers IB curriculum training. IB requires practical experience which comes only when you start working in IB schools and attend the workshops conducted by them. For further information you can always refer the IBO website to get a flavor of what IB curriculum is all about.
Thanks for the above info, I have done M.Sc.(Computer Science), B.Ed (Maths,Science), M.Ed. I have 2 yrs experience in teaching ( primary and secondary school) in Pune. I received GOLD MEDAL in EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Attended Various STATE, NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL Conferences. My 1 State level , 5 National Level, 1 International level research paper has been published. Please guide me for the same. How i can get a job in UK.
Amrita Kulthe
Hello Amrita,
For U.K as I mentioned you have to complete PGCSE. Just a word of advice , if I was at your place I would have tried to branch out in pure research or acedemia by pursuing my Phd in Education management or public policy . This would broaden your career prospects in education sector considering the wide variety of accomplishments that you have received .
Thank you so much Yasmin, can do this course online??
I have completed Master of Engineering in Computers(Computer Engineering). I have 4 yrs experience in teaching in an Engineering college in Mumbai. I aspire to become a teacher in Canada or UAE. I found your blog to be very useful. Please guide me
Hello Agnas,
I have already elaborated about teaching in U.A.E in my blog. Regarding Canada, you need to enroll in their universities to complete your teaching qualification as they recruit teachers who possess their national teaching qualification. You are also expected to sponsor your own PR visa to work as a teacher there.
Hello Mam,
I’m Dhavlesh Chandola. My qualification is B. Tech, Msc physics. I’m working as a physics teacher in a renowned CBSE school as Physics Teacher for secondary grade students. I run my own Coaching Center for preparing students for competitive exams like IIT-JEE /NEET. But I’m thinking to teach outside India.
Is there any scope for me?
Hello Dhavlesh,
Yes you can, but just work upon your teaching qualification like B.Ed , CIDTT or PGCSE as required by schools.
Hi Yasmeen,
Beautiful article and well detailed!!
I have done an MA, B.Ed. I also hold an Advanced Diploma in Special Educational Needs. I have been working as a primary teacher for the past 9 years in Lagos, Nigeria. I am now looking for a job change and have been applying to international schools abroad through different agencies. No luck so far.
If at all something clicks, they offer pittance. One of the common reasons cited is that we must be a Native English speaker or have credentials from UK, US, Canada etc. Unfortunately, not all of us can be a Native English Speaker or hold credentials from these countries. It’s even worse when your credibility is measured against your nationality. Feel really low at this point. Kindly advice.
Hello Rose,
Thank you for your beautiful comment and I understand your point very well as I have seen some of my colleagues who wanted to teach English face these issues. Why don’t you try in Gulf or even in South east Asian countries as there is a huge demand for Special Education teachers in Dubai due to the stressful life that pregnant women go through leading to SEN kids.
Hello mam,
your post was very useful. I am 37 years old. I have done graduation from Bihar in Histoy Hons. , MA in English from Eiilm University, B.ED from Gurugobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, MA in Education from Karnataka State Open University. Now I am a govt. secondary teacher in Bihar for 10 years. But now I want to switch and go abroad like saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, USA to teach English or Social Science. What will you suggest for me. Is there any opportunity to work as a home tution teacher or run coaching classes abroad? If yes then what is the procedure and payout.
Hello Keshav,
Looking at your qualifications, UAE seems a safe bet until and unless you decide to do PGCSE . Now company sponsored visa rules clearly mention that their employees cannot take any paid work apart from their current employment. So officially not allowed but yes there are teachers who go for home tuition. It all depends on mutual understanding between the client and you.
Hope this mail finds you in good health and peaceful happy life.
Thanks a lot for the very informative article!!
About Me: Am a 30 yr old female .B.tech in civil engineering..Had 5 years experience working as Design Engineer for an oil and gas EPC Firm.
Soon after maternity i quit my job. But when i went in search of job after 4 yrs break, the Oil price issue and lack of job opportunity (tat too after a long 4 yrs break) dint get me any job in Oil and Gas Sector.
Meanwhile in the 4 yrs break,as i always had the interest in teaching school children.So explored into online tutoring and till date i am a Science and Maths Online tutor teaching different curriculum- IGCSE/GCSE/Australian/Canadian/American/CBSE Curriculum(Grade 1-10) .
BUT I do not have teaching experience in Schools.
I really wanted to go abroad to pursue teaching in Schools and wanted to make some good money as i am the Bread winner of my family.
I have few doubts .And requesting a clarification reply from you…..
1.Can i apply for IGCSE schools at Qatar/UAE without any direct school experience?Or can i only apply for CBSE Schools?
2.Any reputed certification would help me on this? ..that i can obtain in a relatively short duration?
3.I am married . Can i get job in Middle East only if i go on a dependent visa with my husband?
Or can i get direct work visa?
4.What would be the approx remuneration they would pay for maximum – grade 10 teacher?
5.What will be the places apart from Qatar/UAE we as female could earn a good living and lead a safe peaceful life with a 5 Yr old KID?.
6.If possible can you suggest some good reputed school names that are recruiting any potential graduates (Not particular about certified teaching professionals)and
what are the other documents they expect to submit?
I am very sure and strong in Technical and Teaching skills. As the seeds that i have sown in my children had always yielded them improved results.
Though its a very long mail with a lot of answers expected..I would love to say your article was like an eye opener for me while i am badly in need of a teaching job but dont have experience from school not knowing exactly what to do and whom to ask.
Awaiting your reply.
With Loads of Love
Hello mam,
Thanks for such a kind of knowledge being provided by you to all of us.
Plz guide as i am teacher for science and math with 7 years of experience in a high school.i m msc physics and b.ed.plz tell me ,if a person completes his teaching programme in developed countries like pgce in uk.then can he get the job easily or again there is struggle for job in developed countries for subjects like science and math? Thanks
Dear Amit,
Thanks for your comment. Well there is no guarantee for anything as everything depends on the market conditions and visa regulations. But yes using these qualifications you can definitely try in international curriculum schools of other countries like Kazakhstan,South- East Asia or Gulf countries.
hii mam thanks for you publish your articles I need u r valuable comment regarding my teaching carrier my self ajay bansal from haryana india this is my qualification b pharmacy pg diploma in yoga msc biochemistry and bed with 2 year teaching experience as chemistry lect. In cbse school I also looking for job like UAE I WANT ALSO ENROL IN caM bridge international diploma in teaching and learning. what is best for me after doing these diploma and gaining experience in ib school then looking for developed country or by doing PGSCE
from any UK university I am waiting for ur reply which is best for me either PGSCE OR 2 YEARS IB EXPERIENCE WHAT IS BEST OPTION
Hello Ajay,
It would be better if you gain experience in an IB school and simultaneously study for PGCSE. Then apply for other countries.
Hi, This is Jaffar here. I am a physics teacher working in Andhra Pradesh as physics teacher for IIT foundation in a renowned institute SRI CHAITANYA SCHOOLS. I have a query. As I am a Muslim, I have beard, will they accept me for international schools.Please let me know. Waiting for your reply.
Hello Mr.Jaffar,
I assume as teachers we teach our students not to judge a book by its cover. How can we teach such values if we don’t believe it? As far as I know most good schools are equal opportunity employers. Yes there is preference for native English speakers and all that but I have not come across organisations who judge a candidate by their looks and if there are such schools who follow such malpractices, then in my case I would not have bothered applying to such institutes.
Hai Mam,
I have 15 years experience in the field of PHYSICAL EDUCATION, how & where will get the job,with in the month i have been finished my PHD, give some valuable idea to get job abroad. thanking you
Hello Raj,
15 years of experience in school or academia? Please clarify so that I can guide you in a better way.
Please guide for a fresher like me who has completed his post graduation.I want to teach abroad.
Hello Vaibhav,
This article and my other articles are enough for guidance. Please go through all of them and if you still have queries then you can revert back. As far as teaching abroad is concerned first start with domestic experience and then think of trying abroad.
Hello mam ,this is Nirav soni. I teach biology from last 6 years in reputed brand of India”ALLEN CAREER INSTITUTE”which is leading coaching institute in medical in India.i want to apply as a senior faculty in Europe and middle east.so what is the complete procedure mean through which link I can apply.plzz help me out mam.
Hello Nirav,
There is no specific link for applying. The best that you can do is through teacher recruitment agencies but you do need the proper qualifications and experience.
Hello Mam,
i completed my B. A & M. A in English Literature. And currency doing M. Phil in English. I have interest in teaching abroad. After reading ur articular i am filled with many question. Here i want to know, what i need to do for further development to start my teaching carrier …
Hello Anurenjith,
The first step is to apply in teaching positions in Indian schools followed by steps that I have mentioned in this article.
asalamualikum i wants to apply for teching job in middle east espacialially dubai , kuwait i am Msc zoology with bed any i have 3 yrs experience in high school teaching . i wants to guidance from you . thanks
Hello Aasif,
Apply in GEMS Education and wait for their interview call.
Hello mam,
Thanks for such a kind of knowledge being provided by you to all of us.
Plz guide as i am lecturer in physics with 12 years of experience in a 11th and 12th standarad . My qualification is msc physics and b.ed. plz tell me . how to approch institution. i sent many emails to schools but there was no response. so can u plz tel me some websites or any trust worthy agencies [ if u know any..] to get job . Thanks
Hello Suresh,
If you are talking about schools abroad then they are not responding back to you because you don’t have PGCSE. B.Ed won’t work with such schools. Once you finish up your PGCSE you can apply via teacher recruitment agencies like Search associates or Carney Sandoe etc.
Hi dear ,
This article is extremely informative and I am very much enthusiastic to find out a reply from you . I am 33 , working with private schools as nursery teacher , taught classes 1&2 as mother teacher. I am holding 2years NTT diploma, and B.ED in S.st n English( Both government approved).. now as I want to work abroad with a decent country what should I do now ? Do I need to study more ? Can’t do any regular course as I am working from last 13 years… Kindly guide me.
Hello Priyanka,
Thank you. If you are planning to teach Indian curriculum schools in Gulf or South East Asia then your qualifications will work but if you are planning for international curriculum schools then PGCSE would be relevant.
Hi, yasmeen
Thank you for very informative article. I was working in the gulf for few years as teacher but just with graduation. Later I settled in India and because of my experience and other qualities, I became principal of pre-primary school. Later I did B.Ed as I was promoted as Headmistress for higher grades. Recently I was shortlisted for an interview to Oman as a teacher. I was told the B.Ed which I have done is not valid as it is correspondence. In such case to get a job abroad what is the other alternative. Can you please help me. I have completed E.C.C.Ed from India too. Expecting a reply soon .
Hello Ms.Prema,
I understand your concern but for visa purpose Ministry of Education officials prefer regular course degrees and not those of correspondence courses. You can use you Early childhood education certificate for visa attestation but then in that case you will be teaching pre primary classes and not higher grades.
Hello mam
Thanks a lot for your article which gives a valuable guidance.
Here i have few doubts mam,
I am a postgraduate in microbiology with B.Ed currently working as a primary class math and science teacher in one of the Indian school in Doha since 2 years already
with 3 years of teaching experience in india for the subject of biology in both cbse and Igcse curriculum. By next year I am planning to leave doha due to family reason.
In future I am planning to pursue my teaching career in countries which offer good remuneration and family visa. Kindly help me out regarding this and I would be so grateful to you for your reply.
Thanking you mam ,
Dear Nirmaladevi,
If you are looking for countries where they sponsor family members then I am afraid there are not any. Since you have experience in both CBSE and IGCSE curriculum as well as you have taught abroad, why don’t you try for good IB schools in India. The learning curve is pretty steep for IB teachers and you can grow in your profession as well as try in other international schools abroad once you gain the experience.
Hello Yasmeen mam,
Thanks for writing such a wonderful article. i am pursuing P.hd in computer science in data base management and have been teaching from last 6 years in college . Request your advise on the prospects of teaching computer science in college/school in Dubai and other necessary details i.e eligibility criteria ,additional qualification , perks etc
Hello Aparajita,
Regarding college, can’t say much as I have not explored that area. As far as your queries about teaching in Dubai schools are concerned I have elucidated all of them in my article.
aslkm and hello yasmeen madam
very nice articles
when I had completed ba in english in indian university at late age of 30s. can I able to become english school teacher in japan?
I know there is some issues with native countries.
Hello Mr.Ghouse,
I won’t say a straight no to your question but you have to build your qualifications, domestic as well as international teaching experience. Try teaching in South – East Asia, before trying for Japan.
Hello Yasmeen Ma’am
I am Harneet Kaur from India.
Thank you so much Ma’am for your article which was very informative n motivated me a lot .
I am from commerce background.
I was teaching as a pre primary teacher.
I did my NTT (Nursery Teacher Training) , B.Ed ( Bachelor of Education ) and MA (Economics ) . I also did diploma in financial accounting (DCFA) . I also have 4 years of teaching experience as a pre primary teacher . I am pursuing French Language Course .
I am interested in teaching abroad . Kindly help me out Mam . I really need ur guidance .
I would be so thankful to you for your reply .
Hello Harneet,
Thank you . You need to specify which subject you want to teach as you are an Economics student and also have qualifications in French. Also which country are you planning to apply.
Hai yasmine,
Iam a physiotherapy professor worked abroad in various countries like libya , ethiopia etc…I love teaching ….I am planning to apply in uae…bit nervous about their procedure and process. Pls guide me.
Hello Kavitha,
If you have the required qualification as mentioned in my article then apply for GEMS Education which is the largest K-12 operator in Gulf.
Hi Yasmine,
Your article is really informative. I am a psychology teacher and right now I am pursuing my B.Ed as well. I have Master in Psychology and specialisation diploma in Counseling as well. I just wanted to know that which particular country would be good for working in the education field of psychology and what more do I need to do to fulfill the requirements. As I really like teaching psychology and I want to go abroad and do the same. Will you please guide me what exactly do I need to do?
Thank you
Hello Isha,
Gulf as well as west especially USA would be best for counselling.
Hello mam,
Glad to read your articles and the way you are giving direction to everyone.please suggest me also. I am a Nursery teacher and having above five years experience from CBSE school. I have done NTT, ECCE, B.ED,B.COM(PASS),M. A. ECO.. But ,I have done graduation and masters from distance learning course. Now, I would like to know that, how can apply in developed countries like Australia, U. K, U. S, CANADA etc as a Nursery teacher .From the last three years I am trying to grab such opportunities but I didn’t. I have send my resume to many schools and companies… So please suggest me, what qualification is more required so that I can be eligible to teach aboard… Kindly guide me, what would be next step?
Hello Taruna,
First of all you need to complete your Masters in the regular mode as this would be required in the visa attestation process and accreditation agencies like World Education Service ( WES) accept only regular courses. When you will be applying for your visa you would be required to get your degree certificates accredited.
Second B.ED won’t work. To work in the countries that you desire , you need to have those country specific teaching qualification or you can pursue PGCSE and apply through teacher recruitment agencies like Search Associates who conduct teacher recruitment drive in major cities of the world.
Asalam u alikum
I m a Govt Teacher since 2015 I want to find a teaching job abroad in an Islamic country
My qualification is MSC MPhill (zoology) +BEd+PG public administration. Please help
Hello Taruna,
For developed countries PGCSE is required as B.ED won’t be an asset. Also for Canada, they prefer teachers who have pursued teacher education programmes from Canada itself
Hi Yasmeen,
Your article is very useful for people like me who needs an insight on the work opportunities abroad. I have been in the teaching industry for few years basically teaching the kindergarten section. Initially it was nursery and now kg. I have a Diploma in Pre and Primary teachers training as well as a Certificate course on Montessori training from the TESOL Institute. This is an online certification I received. I had also been working in schools in Muscat. Now i am in India and working in the kindergarten section. But i would like to move abroad though not the GCC countries. Do i require some other qualification? Is the EYFS training or Psychology a good option. Also heard that for working in UK you need to have a Qualified Teacher Status. How can you gain that being in India?
Hello Rajitha,
For other countries you would require PGCSE or their country specific teaching qualification. Psychology is definitely a good option but if you want to teach psychology then teaching qualification would be required or else if you have experience counselling students or working in the SEN department then you can diversify.
For UK you do need PGCSE followed by Qualified Teacher Status. Now in India the nearest university from where you can complete PGCSE is University of Nottingham, Bangkok but that won’t give you QTS. To avail QTS, you need to do PGCSE from some UK university. Nonetheless without QTS you can still apply in British curriculum schools in difeerent countries of the world as PGCSE is the mandatory qualification for them.
Hello Rajitha,
EYFS certification can be a good option but not the ultimate requirement. If you are targeting other countries then teaching qualification of that particular country would be essential. Regarding your other question of QTS, the only way to have it is by completing PGCSE. You can work as an unqualified teacher for up to 4 years in England , during which you need to achieve qualified teacher status.
My Greetings mam,
Am Prabhu, from Tamil Nadu. I have two years of working experience in Maldives as a O level, AS and A level Mathematics and Statistics teacher , I have completed my M.Sc., M.Phil in Mathematics and right now i am pursuing my B.Ed ( Mathematics) as well. Am seeking for the teaching position in USA, UK and some developed countries. kindly instruct me to get a job in abroad as a Math teacher.